Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Long time gone

I haven't posted in forever. My son became really sick, and then passed something on to me. Anyhow, I decided to copy and paste some old FB postings to keep my rankings up.

25 Random things about me:

Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 9:22pm
Edit Note

1. I hate mornings. A lot. I often hit snooze without remembering.

2. I really under-appreciated living in Cincinnati. 5/3 Bank was the only job I ever had where I was eager to get up in the morning and took pride in my work, even though my coworkers were odd.

3. I once passed out in a thornbush after a long night of hitting pubs, and I couldn't find my way home the next morning. (back in Cincinnati days)

4. I once chased my horse through a residential neighborhood when she broke out of a pasture (also Cincinnati)

5. Jennifer H and I almost destroyed my mother's car when we decided to go joyriding at age 15 (we confused brakes and acceleration...)

6. Jennifer H and I wrote "DORK" in huge letters on Brian U.'s lawn with shaving cream, not realizing it would kill the grass and leave a permanent message.

7. I am addicted to saving dogs. I have been for many years. Big "duh" there.

8. The first guy I ever kissed (or anything else) was in his 20's. I had just turned 14. He didn't care. Mom didn't know.

9. I once protested our three-hour long Xmas play training sessoins back in third grade by scribbling "I am sick of this sh#t" all over one of my homework assignments. For some reason, the teacher never told my mom.

10. I had a secret place that I would ride my horse to in Cincinnati. It was a beautiful, moss-covered valley between two rocky hills. A stream ran through it. When developers tore it down, I cried and cried.

11. I was never once convinced that I would go to hell, regardless of how hard Harding Academy tried to scare me.

12. Sometimes I use my husband's toothbrush. I don't know why. It makes me feel naughty.

13. I won't kill bugs..Even scary spiders. I will find a way to usher them outside.

14. I once tried to save a snake while living in Cincinnati. (Aaron, you remember this.) We put it in a box when a cat was trying to kill it, but it escaped and roamed loose in our house for weeks before we found it.

15. I always have a maddening urge to pee in pools just to see if the water really turns red. I never do. I promise.

16. I used to have a "biting problem" when I drank.

17. I tend to become obsessive about things, such as running, cleaning, etc.

18. My weight fluctuates exactly 10 lbs every year...The highest point always being Thanksgiving.

19. I tried to squeeze my 180 lb-self into a tube top days after giving birth. I thought I looked hot.

20. I once had 33 piercings...at the same time. That was another obsession.

21. I have one tattoo, but I want one more. I just can't decide what the next will be.

22. I was meant to work in either the medical field or as an artist. I went in to business to stray from family tradition. That was my biggest mistake ever.

23. My hair has been black, blonde, pink, red, orange, black and white, and every variation of brunette in between.

24. I have a very punk side to me that I am constantly trying to repress because I am a mom now.

25. Corbin and James are the best things that ever happened to me. :-)