Monday, February 1, 2010

Fox News

OK, I completely understand that there tends to be a liberal bias within news reporting agencies. However, I hope that the American people really don't believe that Fox News is the one, golden network that has risen above to be truly "fair and balanced."

Has anyone else noticed how Fox News likes to add a bunch of crappy, derogatory polls to their pages? They always seem to pan out like this:

"Tell us what you think! Is Obama steering this country in the right direction?"

1: No, Obama is a radical Muslim who washes down his hummus dinner each night with the blended hearts of Arian children.

2. No, Obama's too busy engaging in torrid butt sex sessions with Chavez and other dictators to make time for this country.

3. Not sure.


  1. Yep, but people don't read beyond the headlines or the "drama" presented by some of their anchors. When Bill O'Reilly was a guest at David Letterman's show, he said "they're not journalists, they're just comedians with a talk show". The interview was specifically about Hannity's numerous comments about torture and water-boarding not being torture, and also about Glen Beck's show and how "soap-opera-like" it was.

    When someone with that much influence from your own television network refers to you as a "comedian, not a journalist", that should tell you something, right? But again, we don't read between the lines or beyond the loaded questions they ask.

    My two cents. Fair. Balanced. True.


  2. You make a great point. I probably did come down a bit hard on them. The truth is, all media outlets are biased to a degree.

    I did not agree with Obama's decision to lash out at Fox News. Even if we don't like the message, the one thing that makes America great is our freedom of speech. If there were no freedom of speech, I wouldn't be plucking away at my silly little blog right now.

  3. Oh thank goodness, the above poll was a joke. Scared me.
