Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mindless musings of an apathetic bitch May 30, 2006

As I sat, picking my nose while waiting impatiently at a crowded intersection, a thought occurred to me....

"God, I really am a true antisocial personality!"

What does it mean to be a non-conformist? A liberal? An activist? Why do I find myself so offended by perceived social injustices and the downslide of humanity, when my general perception of mankind is one of casual distaste? Why do I fight every tidbit of conventional wisdom that has ever been tossed my way? Why do I lack a basic self-consciousness and concern for appearances, when everyone else guards their image like a $100 bill on a windy day? And most importantly, why does my nose ring keep switching sides? When I woke up today, it was back on the left....

Then, I realized I don't even care enough about any of this to spend another second pondering it. The light turned green, I withdrew my finger from my nostril so I could flip off an elderly couple, and floored it.

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